Question Topic
Gas Furnace Or Boiler Boiler Overheating

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Gas Furnace or Boiler, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about gas furnace or boiler boiler overheating.

I have a wood/coal boiler with gas backup. The temp on the boiler gets too hot even though the fire seems to just smolder. I have been popping plugs on the boiler like crazy (3 this year). I have 3 zone valves. One for the living room and kitchen, 1 for bathrooms and bedrooms. The final one is for the basement which is the dump zone. I keep getting air in the system. I bleed the lines every 2 or 3 weeks. I can't find any major leaks. I must have a leak around a valve or somewhere small. How can I test the line for leaks without having to tear everything apart?
When the temp gets too hot, the safety valve spews water and steam out. I don't know how to cool the system down without adding water. I believe that is why I keep popping plugs (the water is cold). I turn up the thermostats but the system will not respond.
Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated. I have had 4 technicians in over the last year and a half. They don't have any idea what the problem could be. I have had all water spigots, valves and zone valve regulators replaced and another air expansion tank installed (now have 2 of them). The latest person told me, it was wired wrong. HELP!!

Dear Pam:
I've talked with a number of my colleagues regarding the problem that you have been having with your wood/coal boiler and heating system, and we all come to the same conclusion that unfortunately, we can't diagnose the problem without making an inspection and testing of your system.
One thought however, is that your system sounds very unique, and I'm wondering if you should contact the manufacturer of you boiler, and see if they can recommend local technicians who have been trained specifically to work on the type of boiler that you have.
Hope this is helpful.