Question Topic
Gas Furnace Or Boiler Blow Back Issue

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Gas Furnace or Boiler, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about gas furnace or boiler blow back issue.

Why has my gas boiler started to blow back?

If your gas boiler has started to blow back, you should have it inspected by a trained professional RIGHT AWAY. The problem could be due to items such as a bad burner, blocked exhaust piping, etc. But you should have a trained service technician do a thorough inspection.
In the meantime, you need to be very careful of poisonous carbon monoxide gas that could be created from incomplete combustion or leaking exhaust gas. Make sure that your carbon monoxide detectors in your house are working properly, and that your boiler area is well ventilated until you can get a service person to inspect your boiler. Which you should do as soon as possible.
Hope this is helpful.