Question Topic
Humidifier Discoloration

Home-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Humidifier, but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about humidifier discoloration.

QUESTION FROM Concerned buyer
We just had a "Honeywell HE220A By-Pass Flow-Through Humidifier" installed. I noticed that the box was already opened when the installer brought the unit to my home. Once the installtion was complete, I asked to see what the filter/pad looked like so I'd know where to go to replace it. When he opened it, the pad had brownish spots. (He originally wanted to sell me another (used) unit, but that type didn't fit in the small space on my furnace duct. Is this the filter/pads natural color or was I given a used one? If so, what harm will using this for a day, cause? My son is asmatic and I have major allergies.

Dear 'Concerned Buyer':
I would suggest that you contact Honeywell and ask them. Here is their toll-free phone number: 1-800-328-5111.
When I've talked to them before, they have been very helpful.
Also, they may even be able to tell from the serial number on your unit whether it has been sold before.
And yes, if it turns out that the discoloration on your filter is due to mold or bacteria, then it would be best not to run it with this filter until you can replace it, especially since it sounds like you have people in your home with sensitive respiratory issues.
Hope this is helpful.